Friday, May 15, 2009

Afterthoughts or Premonitions?

When some random thoughts come to my mind and I can't access the net, I write them as long text messages and save them. Often I delete them, forget them, but I put up a few in my blog. New developments.. hmm..
This one's from last night..

In our pursuit to legitimize the 'other'/marginal' we often forget that the 'dominant'/'normative' is also a position. One can choose that, being fully informed and empathetic to all possible positions.
Once two people start their journey towards the different possible positions of a relation they have to make an effort to negotiate each other. What's lost in this process is the spontaneity of a relation. After a point they may not be able to bridge the gaps anymore. A relation depends on spontaneity when it's a breathing space for the persons involved. After that, it's just gets bored with that, when one is able to understand that. The "pleasure contract" breaks down.

hmm.. a lot to worry about. I found another forgotten sms, but I'm not in the mood to put it up here right now.

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